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Does Man Really Need GOD?

Man Needs God

Man Needs God, because in him is his perfect self - fulfillment. 

Man Need God more than the baby needs the mother. baby outgrows the need of the mother, Man never outgrows the need of God; he rather 'in - grows' the need of God, whatever his age or achievements, whether he is aware of this needs or not.

If some among us sincerely and honestly fell that they do not need God, they are free not to. Those who feel the need for God are welcome, but their need for guidance should be met.  

What an incalculable number of things modern man needs! One has only to go to a big department store to be convinced about this. And yet there we get only a fractional idea of the total requirement of man. Man has his basic needs, such as food, clothes, shelter, etc. He has his conventional needs, which are no less required because they are conventional. Then man has his luxury needs, his imaginary needs and his needless needs also.

But then, who are we to say that any particular need of man is imaginary or needless? If we are allowed to say that, life may indeed become needlessly difficult. If a person needs a particular thing. however meaningless it may seem to others. he must have a reason for needing it. Whether or not that cause is reasonable is another matter. Again, 'reasonable' according to whom?

Man does not need anything which he does not need. And he gradually outgrown his 'needless' needs, if there are any.

Even if we ourselves are not aware of the cause of needing a particular thing, there are always the manufactures agents to tell us with the nicest of rehearsed smiles that we need more and more of their product, of course, if we are to be accepted as truly modern, dynamic and cultivated. In economically advanced countries,  today it is no longer a question of every family needing one or two cars, but of needing to change the models of their cars every now and then. We not only require clothes but we require to keep up with the changing fashions in clothes. We not only require ornaments, but the latest new design in ornaments. We not only need an ever - increasing number of things, but the newest in things.

The 'free economy' in a democracy is euphemistically said to depend on spending more. But what does spending more actually mean? It means buying more. What does buying more mean? It mean a desire for more and more. in other words, turning to be slaves of those desires so that continuity of demand is kept up. In order to create an illusion of circumventing the economic law of diminishing returns from the continuous supply of things, the patterns of things are changed. Thus money is kept rolling and the wheels of industry moving. Getting at the root of this system of economy, we find, in the ultimate analysis, that it depends on making us want; that is to say, it depends largely on creating artificial needs.

In a society where artificial needs are constantly created, one cannot easily have an idea of how little a man really needs to live a contented life even of the noblest type. After the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, it was found that his personal possessions were only his spinning wheel, a few pieces of homespun cloth, a few books, two pairs of slippers - one wooden and the other leather, a walking stick, his spectacles, a pen, a writing desk, a cup and a spoon, a watch and a rosary and the tell - tale 'Three Monkies'. It is a real education to know how little one actually needs.

It is not always we who decide what we need. Somebody else tells us that. And it can become a terrible bondage. In a 'free economy', the manufactures tells us what we need and cajoles us into thinking that we need it. In what is called an 'authoritarian economy', the state tells us what we need; and just have to take it. We may need more bread and butter. But the state tells us, 'No, you need more steel', And we are forced to agree.

As we all know, besides his physical needs, man has needs of other dimensions as well. He has emotional needs, social needs, and intellectual needs too. In fact, an exhaustive list of man's needs would be a staggering one.


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