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Never Put Too Much Trust In Friends - Learn how to Use Enemies

My first post on Friendship 

"Be wary of friends - they will betray you more quickly, for they easily aroused to envy. They also become spoiled and tyrannical. But hire a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend, because he has more to prove. in fact, you have more to fear from friends than from enemies. If you have no enemies, find a way to make them" 

Thus for my own part I have more than once been deceived by the person I loved most and of whose love, above everyone else's I have been most confident. so that I believe that it may be right to love and serve one person above all others, according to merit and worth, but never to trust so much in this tempting trap of friendship as to have cause to repent of it later on..

Yes Friendship is trap - coming to me i trusted so much on my friends they utilized me for their requirement - after finishing the work - I am like dustbin for them. I never thought that - they will leave me but it will happen so don't trust your friends. 

I am not saying everyone is like that - "No" - My best friends  ( Koushik and Aarunya ) They trusted me a lot - I felt that God is provided. Because of few people - no one is sharing with anyone - what they want to share. 

Friendship and Love = Return  

is like-  if i talk with him/her what i will get - Friendship and love - everyone is expecting something from someone, because everyone want something from someone 

Friendship and Love = Business 

Yes friendship is business - Here i will use one Quote 

"Lord, protect me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies" 

In business we now that who are - our competitors but in friendship - they act like friends but they are enemies.

"A Chinese proverb compares friends to the jaws and teeth of dangerous animal" 

Example : A brahman, a great expert in Veda who has become a great archer as well, offers his services to his good friend, who is now the king. The brahman cries out when he sees the king. 
"Recognize me, your friend!" The king answers with him contempt and then explains: "Yes. we were friends before, but our friendship was based on what power we had... I was friends with you, good brahman, because it served my purpose. No pauper is friend to the rich, no fool to the wise, no coward to be brave. An old friend - who needs him? It is two men of equal birth who contract friendship and marriage, not a rich man and a pauper... An old friend-who needs him? 
The Mahabharata

Know how to use enemies for your own profit. You must learn to grab a sword not by its blade, which would cut you to defend yourself. The wise man profits more from his enemies, than a fool from his friends.

Knowing what would happen if you put a finger in mouth of a lion, you would stay clear of it. With friends you will have no such cautions, and if you hire them, they will eat you alive with ingratitude.


  1. Hey Kiran... Very well written. Pls continue further. Waiting for ur posts

  2. Of course you are right my dear, there are many cases where friendship is used as a business or as you said expecting for return. And yes, as you mentioned good sorry great friends will also be there with us every time, who stands as a real meaning of friendship. I appreciate your article personally and hope you to continue these type of research based articles in future. All the very best dear.....

  3. Dude, firstly remember dat no one on dis earth is perfect let it be ur frds family partners any one in dat case no one can ever be perfect accept dat. Most importantly change ur thought process change ur mind set nd the way u look at things nd judge them. That is absolutely wrong it gives u nthg instead it gives u sorrow when u keep dwelling on one thing called Frdship. So stop taking things in a negative manner just dat u have experienced certain things in ur life u cant comment saying love and frdship they are just business no it is certainly not each person handles their frdship nd love in a different way each one has his/her own method to handle relations frds etc it depends on how best they do it thats it My humble request is plzz erase those wrong notions and plz dnt pass such comments. 🙂

    1. I appreciate your work and efforts to write this good one. Keep going!! :)

  4. Hey Kiran! You have nicely put your thoughts in words. I appreciate your efforts. It's very hard to express our feelings and opinion in words. You're trying to do that is more appreciative. I don't read much but what you've drafted made me read to the end. Seeking for more of your writings. :)

  5. Congratulations on ur first post! I am glad that you gathered Ur guts posting Ur opinion about frndship and I know it's not a generalized statement! I respect ur view ! Great work!! Keep going!

  6. Friendship and Love = Business...
    Good one dude will definitely remember that. Looks like words falling out of a Friend-zoned Guy. But hey congrats on having such twisted mind. And that reminds me of a quote
    "As you know, madness is like gravity...all it takes is a little push."
    - Heath Ledger

  7. A Foolish friend is always dangerous than a wise Foe. To extent I agree and as you said this doesn't apply to all. Good you started expressing. Keep it up Mr. kiran. Express your self and also, respect others view.

    1. Thank you Achyuth - it is not applicable to all but most of them are like that.

  8. Hii dear...thank you for making me as a part of your post and I am happy to be a part of your suggestion don't think more of others becoz they can't let you down by their actions it's only you can do be happy and keep growing...All the best...keep rocking...


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