love is precious Your precious love has turned my life completely around, I feel lik Im wlaking but my feet don't seem 2 touch d ground..!! Girl: Thanks for the fun day Boy: No problem Girl: Can i ask you a few questions? *****Common questions****** Boy: Sure o.o *****We Always ok right***** Girl: And.... Girl: Be honest **Girl: Have i ever crossed your mind? Boy: No **Girl: Do you like me? Boy: No **Girl: Do you want me? Boy: No **Girl: Would you cry if i left Boy: No **Girl: Would you live for me? Boy: No **Girl: Would you do anything for me Boy: No **Girl: Choose me or your life Boy: My life The girl ran away in shock depression The boy ran after her and told her... The reason you never crossed my mind because, your always on my mind The reason why i don't like you is because I Love you The reason ...
Love, Life, Relationships